Undergraduate Programmes Offered in our Department

The CSS Department is currently hosting four BSc. degree programmess, One Diploma programme and One Certificate programme namely:

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Systems (BSc. ITS)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Communication Technology with Management (BSc ICT-M)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Communication Technology with Business (BSc ICT-B)
  • Bachelor of Science in Library and Information Management (BSc LIM)
  • Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)
  • Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)
I. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Systems Degree (BSc. ITS)

Expected programme LEARNING OUTCOMES at each exit level;

Students graduating from this course should be able to:

  • Demonstrate high level skills in computer programming using current and emerging programming languages and platforms such as Java, C++, PHP, etc.
  • Design, evaluate, assess and manage computer systems using appropriate algorithmic principles and software/hardware testing tools
  • Demonstrate systems administration and planning competences focused on abilities to monitor, test, diagnose and recover systems from expected and unexpected failures
  • Design and implement business, management information systems and database systems.
  • Design, install, and manage computer networks focused on network design and technologies, network administration, and having a good handle on the ever-rising security problems.
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge and skills of ICTs for gathering requirements, analyzing, designing and implementing business solutions that demand the application of modern innovative technological approaches.
  • Demonstrate management skills and ICT applications professional competence skills with abilities to address challenges in the field of Information Technology.

  1. Programme Status (Full time/Part time)
    Full time
  2. Duration and Total Credits
    3 years
  3. Mode of delivery ( face to face, mixed, out-reach, by distance, online, other)
    Face to face and industrial field studies
  4. Location of the delivery
    Mzumbe University, Main Campus, Morogoro
  5. Proposed intake numbers for each year in the next 4 yrs
    100 students
  6. Entry Requirements

(a). Direct entry

  • Graduate of advanced certificate of secondary education examination (ACSEE) with subject combination of PCM, PGM, EGM, PCB or any other combination with advanced mathematics or Applied Mathematics as a one of the major subject. The applicants must possess at least a “Credit pass” of basic mathematics at O-level and at least “Principal pass” of advanced mathematics at A-level secondary school.

(b). Equivalent entry

  • Graduate of diploma in computer science or related discipline “with final score equivalent to an upper second of GPA system” and “with at least “Principal pass” grade of mathematics at A-level secondary school or at least “Credit pass” of mathematics at O-level secondary school”.
  • Full technician certificate in computer science or related discipline with at least an average score of B and at least a “Credit pass” of mathematics at O-level.
  1. Nature of Practical Training/Field attached to programme where applicable (Refer to TCU PTF guide)-Eighty (8) weeks practical training during long holidays at the end of first year and second year.
II Bachelor of Science in Information Communication Technology with Business Degree (BSc. ICT-B)

Expected programme LEARNING OUTCOMES at each exit level;

Students graduating from this course should be able to:

  • Identify problems in business operations and design and implement computer systems to solve those problems.
  • Design and implement computer networks for small and medium scale business /organization.
  • Describe the numerous benefits and applications of ICT in business and management, together with an awareness and knowledge of currently available techniques and technologies
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge and skills of ICTs for gathering requirements, analysing, designing and implementing business solutions that demand the application of modern innovative technological approaches
  • Design, evaluate, assess and manage computer based systems using appropriate algorithmic principles and software/hardware testing tools
  • Demonstrate the relationships between ICT applications, management of information systems and the operations of business routines
  • Demonstrate management skills and ICT applications professional competence skills with abilities to address challenges in the field of ICT at the global level.
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge and skills for analysing local business operations, global business operations and opportunities ICTs can offer to the business operations
    1. Programme Status (Full time/ Part time)
      Full time
    2. Duration and Total Credits
      3 years
    3. Mode of delivery ( face to face, mixed, out-reach, by distance, online, other)
      Face to face and industrial field studies
    4. Location of the delivery
      Mzumbe University, Main Campus, Morogoro
    5. Proposed intake numbers for each year in the next 4 yrs
      100 students
    6. Entry Requirements

Direct entry

  • Graduate of advanced certificate of secondary education examination (ACSEE) with a two principal passes on subject combination of PCM, PGM, EGM, PCB or any other combination with advanced mathematics or Applied Mathematics as a one of the major subject. The applicants must possess at least a “Credit pass” of basic mathematics at O-level and at least “Principal pass” of advanced mathematics at A-level secondary school.

Equivalent entry

  • Graduate of diploma in computer science or related discipline “with final score equivalent to an upper second of GPA system” and “with at least “Principal pass” grade of mathematics at A-level secondary school or at least “Credit pass” of mathematics at O-level secondary school”.
  • Full technician certificate in computer science or related discipline with at least an average score of B and at least a “Credit pass” of mathematics at O-level

  1. Nature of Practical Training/Field attached to programme where applicable (Refer to TCU PTF guide)-Eighty (8) weeks practical training during long holidays at the end of first year and second year.

III. Bachelor of Science in Information Communication Technology with Management Degree (BSc. ICT-M)

Expected programme LEARNING OUTCOMES at each exit level;

Students graduating from this course should be able to:

  • Design and implement computer programs using current and emerging programming languages and platforms such as Java, C++, PHP, etc.
  • Demonstrate technical knowledge for the design, evaluate, assess and manage computer based systems using appropriate algorithmic principles and software/hardware testing tools
  • Perform managerial, policy development and decision making responsibilities particularly in relation to e-governance and e-business
  • Demonstrate systems administration and planning competences focused on abilities to monitor, testing, diagnose and recover systems from expected and unexpected security risks.
  • Design and implement business systems, management information systems and database systems.
  • Design, install, and manage computer networks.
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge and skills of ICTs for gathering requirements, analyzing, designing and implementing business solutions that demand the application of modern innovative technological approaches
  • Demonstrate management skills and ICT applications professional competence skills with abilities to address challenges in the field of Information Technologies.

  1. Programme Status (Full time/ Part time)
    Full time
  2. Duration and Total Credits
    3 years
  3. Mode of delivery ( face to face, mixed, out-reach, by distance, online, other)
    Face to face and industrial field studies
  4. Location of the delivery
    Mzumbe University, Main Campus, Morogoro
  5. Proposed intake numbers for each year in the next 4 yrs
    100 students
  6. Entry Requirements

Direct entry

  • The applicant must hold at least two principal passes and one subsidiary in science subjects in the advanced certificate of secondary education (ACSE). If none of those two principal and subsidiary passes is in advanced mathematics, then the applicant must have a subsidiary in basic applied mathematics at A-level and a credit in basic mathematics at “O” level.

Equivalent entry

  • The applicant must hold a diploma in computing science of at least second class level from an accredited institution


  • The applicant must possess a full technician certificate in appropriate discipline from a recognized institution.
  1. Nature of Practical Training/Field attached to programme where applicable (Refer to TCU PTF guide)-Eighty (8) weeks practical training during long holidays at the end of first year and second year.

IV. Bachelor of Science in Library Information and Management Degree ( BSc. LIM)

Expected programme LEARNING OUTCOMES at each exit level

At the end of the programme students are expected to:

  1. Demonstrate skills in using information technologies in organizing, preserving, disseminating and managing information.
  2. Interpret and apply research results from library and information related fields.
  • Conduct independent inquiry in solving library and information management challenges.
  1. Work effectively as Trainee Librarians, Assistant Librarians, Library Officers, Information Officers, Cataloguers and Classifiers in various libraries and information centres within the country.
  2. Assume managerial responsibilities in their working areas

  1. Programme Status (Full time/ Part time)
    Full time
  2. Duration and Total Credits
    3 years
  3. Mode of delivery ( face to face, mixed, out-reach, by distance, online, other)
    Face to face and industrial field studies
  4. Location of the delivery
    Mzumbe University, Main Campus, Morogoro
  5. Proposed intake numbers for each year in the next 4 yrs
    200 students
  6. Entry Requirements

  1. Nature of Practical Training/Field attached to programme where applicable (Refer to TCU PTF guide) )- A full semester on field studies at the end of second year.

V. Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)

Expected programme LEARNING OUTCOMES at each exit level;

At the end of this course, students should be able:

  • To design and implement programs/applications of intermediate complexity using various programming languages and techniques: C,C++, Java, PHP/OOP
  • To demonstrate systems administration knowledge with the ability to maximize system availability and security.
  • To design, install and manage simple computer networks focused on network design and technologies skills, network administration, and having a good handle on the ever-rising security problems that come with the network.
  • To demonstrate human-computer interactions skills particularly issues like affective computing, user interface design and user centered design.

  1. Programme Status (Full time/ Part time)
    Full time
  2. Duration and Total Credits
    3 years
  3. Mode of delivery ( face to face, mixed, out-reach, by distance, online, other)
    Face to face and industrial field studies
  4. Location of the delivery
    Mzumbe University, Main Campus, Morogoro
  5. Proposed intake numbers for each year in the next 4 yrs
    100 students
  6. Entry Requirements

Quality of a graduate depends also on admission criteria. Candidate with sound grades in mathematics and/or physics, or those who had pursued certificate in information technology, information systems, computer science, or any other related programmes from accredited institutions can cope with this programme. Therefore, applicants for admission into Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) must be holders of:

  1. Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) or any other certificate in Science or Engineering programmes whose courses involve Mathematics from an accredited institution. The applicant must have at least a second class level score in the certificate programme.


  1. The applicant must hold at least one principal pass of a science subject at advanced secondary level. If the principal pass is not advanced mathematics then the applicant must have either a subsidiary of basic applied mathematics or credit pass of mathematics at Ordinary secondary level, a subsidiary at advanced secondary level, a “D” pass of additional mathematics at o-level or a “D” pass from physics, chemistry or book-keeping at A-level.
    1. Nature of Practical Training/Field attached to programme where applicable (Refer to TCU PTF guide)- Eighty (8) weeks practical training during long holidays at the end of first year.

VI. Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)

Expected programme LEARNING OUTCOMES at each exit level

By the end of the certificate program, students should be able to-:

  • Solve a variety of PC hardware problems.
  • Install, configure, upgrade, use, maintain, support and troubleshoot PC operating systems at a basic level.
  • Perform basic network installation, maintenance, operation, support, security, and administration tasks.
  • Provide IT help desk support
  • Troubleshoot and fix simple information systems problems
  • Solve simple programming problems
    1. Programme Status (Full time/ Part time)
      Full time
    2. Duration and Total Credits
      3 years
    3. Mode of delivery ( face to face, mixed, out-reach, by distance, online, other)
      Face to face
    4. Location of the delivery
      Mzumbe University, Main Campus, Morogoro
    5. Proposed intake numbers for each year in the next 4 yrs
      100 students
    6. Entry Requirements

To be able to produce technicians with the above needed quality the admission of good candidate is also very important. Applicants for this certificate programme should have already completed CSEE or equivalent as described in general regulation of Mzumbe University.

Direct Entry

  • Graduate of certificate of secondary education examination with at least four passes of “D grades”. The applicants must possess at least a “D pass” of basic mathematics at O-level.

  1. Nature of Practical Training/Field attached to programme where applicable (Refer to TCU PTF guide): Not Applicable

VII. Certificate in Library Information Management (CLIM)

Expected programme LEARNING OUTCOMES at each exit level;

At the end of the programme students are expected to:

  • Apply library and information technology skills in organising, preserving, disseminating and managing information.
  • Effectively assist patrons in locating reference and other information in libraries and information centres they will be employed.
  • Work effectively as para-professionals (Library Assistants) under the guidance of professional librarians in different libraries in the country.
  • Have acquired knowledge and understanding of the principles of management and be able to apply the same in their working environments.

  1. Programme Status (Full time/ Part time)
    Full time
  2. Duration and Total Credits
    2 years
  3. Mode of delivery ( face to face, mixed, out-reach, by distance, online, other)
    Face to face and field studies
  4. Location of the delivery
    Mzumbe University, Main Campus, Morogoro
  5. Proposed intake numbers for each year in the next 4 yrs
    100 students
  6. Entry Requirements

The following are the general minimum entrance qualifications for admission to the programme:

  • Applicants must have passes in at least five (5) subjects in the Ordinary Certificate of Secondary Education Examination inclusive of English Language.
  • Form six leavers with at least one principal level pass and at least 3.5 points may apply. This A-level pass including a certificate of not less than second class level may allow them to get equivalent qualification for entry into a Bachelor of Library and Information Management of Mzumbe University.

  1. Nature of Practical Training/Field attached to programme where applicable (Refer to TCU PTF guide)-Not Applicable


The Dean,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
P.O.Box 87,
Mzumbe, Morogoro.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Website: fst.mzumbe.ac.tz